Pre-Intermediate Japanese Course: おつかれさま and What’s Next

Posted: 6th June 2023

Hello there!

Just a couple of weeks back saw the end of Pre-Intermediate Japanese Conversation, a fortnightly online course that began all the way back in February of this year.

As hinted at in our class photo at the top of this post, we spent most of the course working through the first few chapters of the popular Genki II textbook, while also covering all sorts of Japanese cultural topics such as gift gifting and Japanese accommodation for travellers.

To all who took part: congratulations once again on your fantastic work! It was a joy to see your progress over the past few months.

For those interested in similar courses coming soon, you're in luck!

On Monday 3rd July (2023), we will be continuing on to a new course entitled Pre-Intermediate Japanese: Learning by Topic. In this course, the plan is to put aside our Genki textbooks for the time being and focus on some fun topics that I think are going to prove a really fruitful means of exploring the Japanese language. The main topics are:

  1. 日本の夏 (Summer in Japan)
  2. 私の住んでいるところ・私の好きなところ (The Place Where I Live & A Place I Like)

You can find out exactly what we'll learning about and more about whether this course is right for you by clicking here.

Like its predecessor, this course will run fortnightly, making it ideal for anyone who struggles to make the time for a weekly lesson commitment.

If you're interested in the course but not quite sure whether to book or not, don't forget you can always find out more via a free 30-minute consultation with yours truly.

Hoping to hear from you soon!


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