A Wee Update (April 2023)

Posted: 7th Apr 2023


This is me popping in with a very quick update on all that's happening at Ippo Ippo Japanese.

For those of you who've been following what I do for a while, you'll know that Ippo Ippo has gone through various iterations, from originally only offering one-to-one tutoring to focusing on mostly online group courses, to starting to introduce more options happening in-person in Edinburgh, such as the Japanese Book Club.

For those who've been paying close attention, you may have noticed that there have been a few courses I've been shuffling around of late. I've also been releasing teasers for some new upcoming events happening later this spring/summer.

Basically, this is me jumping in to let you know: there's a great deal I've got planned for 2023 that I haven't been able to announce yet, but full announcements are coming soon!

In particular, you can expect:

  • Some new options for those looking for one-to-one teaching and support
  • At least one new regular event taking place in Edinburgh
  • An exciting update about the Japanese Book Club
  • A brand-new Japanese crafts event with Hitomi-san
  • A spring social (no prizes for guessing what it might be!)

As always, while you're sure to spot many of these updates being put out on social media (all links at the foot of this page) as well as on this website, the best way to make sure you don't miss out on any news is to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. In theory, this will be making an appearance next week.

Until then, here's wishing you a wonderful weekend 🌸


(Yoi shuumatsu wo!)



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