Posted: 10th Aug 2023
Hello hello!
This is a quick update on the "3 Fun Facts" series I've been running since the start of 2023.
Each month, I've been gathering together different fun facts about life, events and other cultural phenomena that can be experienced during each month of the year in Japan.
As unfortunately it seems these posts are among some of the least popular ones on my blog, I've decided to pause the series for now. Hopefully I will have the time to recontinue them at some stage, but for now, they're placed firmly on the back burner.
As the good news is this frees me up to write other posts more specifically focused on the topic of learning Japanese, I hope you enjoy what's to come in the next few months!
If you want to check out any of the aforementioned "3 Fun Facts" posts, here are some handy links:
Catch you again soon,
エリー (Elly)
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