Posted: 19th December 2022
Today is my last day of work before the end of 2022, and it feels really nice to have a little extra something to celebrate before logging off later today.
That something? A special mention of Ippo Ippo on WeXpats Guide's intro to 8 Sites and Blogs Great for Studying Japanese!
WeXpats Guide is a website that supports people who want to work, study and live in Japan, and from what I've seen so far, they have a lot of great info that I think is worth a look by anyone learning Japanese. For example, check out this article on 40 Japanese Slang Words to Know in 2022.
Going back to the article in which they have featured Ippo Ippo, they do a lovely job of breaking down resources according to level, covering Beginners (JLPT N5-N4) to Intermediate (JLPT N3-N2) and even Advanced (JLPT N1+). No matter what your level of Japanese, I definitely recommend seeing what they have to suggest for you.
If you've enjoyed finding out about WeXpats Guide, consider subscribing to my monthly newsletter, where I regularly introduce other recommended resources, from Japanese culture blogs to language apps, YouTube channels and upcoming Japan-related events. You'll also get a code that you can use for 10% off any of my online courses - as long as you book by midnight on 30th December.
Catch you again in 2023!
メリクリ and よいお年を!(Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!)
エリー (Elly)
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